Rick Moneymaker

How many ‘players of the game’ do you see?

Look at the picture above, how many ‘players can you identify?  Listed below are a few that you should see immediately. weapon first angle direction shooters stance feet to the core of attacker anatomical alignment wave form quadrant tongue to the roof of the mouth weight evenly distributed on both feet mind, breath, body power […]

Reality in Martial Arts Training

“We train hard so the fight is easy” – unknown. During the past several years much time has been spent analyzing and rechecking martial art theories and applications in a hope that we can provide our group with a better plan for self defense and training applications.  One of the biggest obstacles that I have […]

The Truths and Myths of Pressure Point Science

Pursuant with recent discussion of why people are having trouble making pressure points work for them.  I believe the root of the problem lies in the original premises under which they are operating.  I recently did a full four hour seminar debunking some of the misinformation that has been distributed on pressure point theory.  During […]

Some of My Favorite Pressure Points

Leg Attack Points ST 39 and GB 36 I want to discuss one of my favorite leg attacks.  The points below the knee at ST-39 and GB-36.  The attack works because of the ‘wood attacks earth’ part of our five element science.  The angle will come from the front at a 45 degree angle toward […]

A phenomenon that occurs in every martial arts school

I would like to address a phenomenon that occurs in every martial arts school. The instructor cares more about the development of the student than the student does.  I constantly see instructors working their butt off trying to get students to ‘do it right’.  Instructors will spend more time trying to get the non-conformers to […]

Pericardium 6 – An Idiot vs. A Master

Seminar attendees often ask me why I spend so much time on arm points and stances.  It is because humans normally attack with their hands and the points of the arm below the elbow are very important to setting up point combinations that will render the attacker helpless. Making sure that stances are correct insures […]

Angle of Attack for the Most Destructive Power

Usually people relate this ‘player to the game’ to the angle the pressure point must be struck in order to transfer energy into the meridian.  Our DSI  pressure point charts show the angle necessary to inject energy or strike the point that will provide the least amount of resistance to the meridian core. This basic ‘player’ is easily […]