Martial Arts

30 Videos

Pericardium 6 – An Idiot vs. A Master

Seminar attendees often ask me why I spend so much time on arm points and stances.  It is because humans normally attack with their hands and the points of the arm below the elbow are very important to setting up point combinations that will render the attacker helpless. Making sure that stances are correct insures […]

Angle of Attack for the Most Destructive Power

Usually people relate this ‘player to the game’ to the angle the pressure point must be struck in order to transfer energy into the meridian.  Our DSI  pressure point charts show the angle necessary to inject energy or strike the point that will provide the least amount of resistance to the meridian core. This basic ‘player’ is easily […]

How the Parasympathetic works in the body and how you can use it for such an unfair advantage

Recently at a Dragon Society International Seminar, Certified Instructor David Hansford released his thorough and detailed martial science research of the Parasympathetic Nervous System and how it affects the heart and other organs of the body. We were all blown away with this ‘cutting edge’ information to say the least. Grandmaster Tom Muncy said… “This […]

The Mystery of Traditional Martial Arts Training

The secrets of the Chinese-based martial arts, including karate, have been revealed gradually as the understanding into Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Chinese cultural experiences, and role these play in their fighting systems, has expanded. Still it all seems so mysterious with colorful names like “Palace of Toil”, “Bubbling Spring”, “Needle in the Sea” and […]

Does your training need an edge?

Do you feel you’ve reached a glass ceiling with your training?  Do you want to enhance your training to include all aspects of the arts?  Do you have pieces missing from your training and you don’t know where to start? For over 20 years Dragon Society International has taught seminars all over the world. We […]